Recommended superfoods

While the blueberries have had more than their fair share of positive press in the field of superfoods, there are countless other foods in your supermarket that are unusually high in antioxidants, vitamins and important minerals.


Technically a berry, avocados have are rich in vitamins B, E and K, and are particularly high in potassium levels. The fat in avocados is monounsaturated fat, the kind of fat which research has shown is most healthy and beneficial for cholesterol levels.


The quintessential Afghan biscuit topping is so much more than a tasty nut. Walnuts are said to help reduce rising cholesterol levels after a high-fat meal. Research has also shown that walnuts have a prohibitive effect in the onset of Alzheimer’s Disease.


Though spinach may not be the wonderful source of iron that it was marketed as some years ago (remember Pop Eye), it is still a fantastic source of many important dietary requirements. A good source of Vitamin A, C, E and K, it is also high in magnesium. Spinach is best eaten not boiled to oblivion though! Boiling spinach for over four minutes is said to half the amount of iron that you will take in.


The popular fruit, tomatoes, contain high levels of Vitamin C, which helps increase the body’s immunity. Tomatoes also contain lycopene, an antioxidant which scientists consider potential agent for the prevention of some forms of cancer.

Flaxseed/ Linseed oil

Known by both of the above names, this oil is particularly high in Omega 3 fatty acids, which are said to aid in brain function and memory. Studies have also show that the oil is beneficial to those suffering from prostate and breast cancer and is believed to help stabilize blood sugar levels in diabetics.

The oil can be incorporated in small doses into daily food intake. Try putting a teaspoon of the oil in as part of a home-made smoothie, or a little with yoghurt and oil for a healthy dessert.


Watercress is a highly underused superfood and packed with a host of nutritional goodies. High in iron, calcium and folic acid, watercress is another great source of antioxidants and also believed to have anticancer properties.


Widely available and a humble garden vegetable, broccoli is in fact packed with vital nutritional building blocks. The levels of selenium and particular amino acids in broccoli have lead to it being labelled as a particular power food in preventing cancer.


Blackcurrants have an especially high level of vitamin C. One hundred grams of black currents will give you three times the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C. Black currents have also been proven to be rich in nutrients such as gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is an essential fatty acid.

The above are just a selection of the ‘superfoods.’ The benefit of getting your vitamin intake through vegetables, fruits and natural fats and oils means that you also getting fibre and minerals, which supplements lack.