Author: Freya Hill

Foods to boost your immune system

Short of hibernating from May through to October, there is little we can do to avoid the chill of winter.

Winter brings with it many good things; the satisfaction of building a good fire, the excitement of watching a sports game while rugged up against the cold, gumboots and hearty comfort food. But winter can also mean colds, sore throats and the flu.

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Recommended dietary intake of fats

Though fats have a poor reputation, they are in fact a key part of a nutritionally-balanced diet.

Fats allow for the absorption of vitamins, as well as aiding cell growth and healthy organs.

The key is getting a good amount of fat, and getting the right balance of the different types of fats.

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Recommended daily exercise

In an ideal world, we’d all have that extra hour in the day (and the corresponding motivation!) to pound the pavement or hit the gym, to well and truly get our daily hit of exercise. But for most of us, devoting that amount of time is unrealistic, which is why the daily recommendation of just 30 minutes of exercise, is refreshing and encouraging.

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Recommended daily water intake

A sufficient water intake is needed to combat dehydration, which saps energy, causes fatigue and reduces concentration.

The standard ‘eight glasses a day’ of water, which equates to two litres, has been widely reported as the recommended daily intake for water.

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Recommended superfoods

While the blueberries have had more than their fair share of positive press in the field of superfoods, there are countless other foods in your supermarket that are unusually high in antioxidants, vitamins and important minerals.

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Recommended places to escape to

Those of us living in cities and towns often run the risk of overlooking the natural and unspoilt scenery which New Zealand can offer.

Our country is unique for the variety of mountains, beaches, lakes, bush walks and snow-dusted areas we have at our doorstep.

Sometimes we all need just to escape from the humdrum of daily life to places of beauty and most importantly calm!

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